International HPC Summer School

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Activity Overview

There are many different sessions that happen during the summer school, including both educational sessions and social activities. See the schedule for this year’s summer school for the latest event details.

Session Types

Electronic Poster Sessions

The student poster sessions is an opportunity for students to present their work.

Mentoring Sessions

The formal mentoring sessions are outline on the mentoring schedule.

One of the formal mentoring sessions includes the Resource Fair. The resource fair is an opportunity for students to address a wide range of challenges that they may face during their careers.

Technical Sessions

The technical sessions are lecture-style sessions. These sessions feature scientists from many different disciplines and highlight the use of HPC throughout the scientific community.

Hands-on Sessions

These sessions require students to bring their laptops and perform hands-on coding activities. Be sure to check all pre-summer school correspondence to ensure that you have pre-installed any necessary software.